Tuesday, April 27, 2010

relation Ship!

Everyone wishes the relation Ship was as simple as Y = f(X).

PS: You know that we have X and Y chromosomes, don't you?

Sunday, April 25, 2010


They say your whole life flashes before your eyes when you die, but it's not true. You'll only see your happy memories again!

PS1: So the more happy memories you have, the longer you live since the flash will take longer!
PS2: Persians/Iranians have a proverb that says happiness is a cure for every pain!
PS3: Petition

Thursday, April 22, 2010

sock pile!

Spring is one of those times that I don't want to do anything, even sorting my socks!

PS1: What's the point of sorting your socks?
PS2: I would very much like to have a logical discussion about why we should sort our socks.
PS3: You got that I meant living your life by sorting your socks, didn't you?
PS4: Be aware of spring craziness syndrome!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


...and I'm busy waiting!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


هر موقع چیز تندی میخورید، بدانید و آگاه باشید که دفع کردنی هم در پیش است!

پ.ن.۱: میسوزونه آقا، میسوزونه!
پ.ن.۲: بدم میسوزونه...!؛

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Organ donor: signed!

They won't let you to sign being an organ donor when you are taken to a hospital so sign it now if you want to!

PS1: In Canada, you can simply sign the back of your health care card.
PS2: God! I love health care plan in Canada.
PS3: World health care plan would be awesome!