Monday, February 25, 2013


wait as long as you want, but don't wait any longer!

- I miss the problems that solve themselves, but unfortunately there are so few of those these days
- you have to wipe your ass yourself and no one's going to do it for you
- petition

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

علت زندگی

ملا به آشنایی گفت: راستی فلانی خبر داری رفیقمان عمرش به دنیا کوتاه بود و مرد؟
رفیقش گفت: نه! علت مرگش چه بود؟
ملا گفت: آن بیچاره علت زندگیش معلوم نبود چه برسد به علت مرگش
--عاقل و دیوانه

پانوشت: خوراکِ ببر؟