Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mean Iranian grad student!

1: I need a visa in 3 weeks!
2: You'll get it in 2 weeks!

... after two months

2: Hey, send your passport for your visa to be issued!
1: "GOOD", thanks a lot!

... after one month

2: We haven't got your passport!
1: I haven't sent it!
2: OK, send it whenever you want your visa till next year!
1: Wow, that's awesome. Thanks a lot!

... after four months

1: I've just sent my passport!
2: Yeah, we got it!

... after one week


... after two weeks

1: Can I ask when I can have my visa?
2: I'm "SORRY". I have no idea!

... to be continued!

P.S.1: Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
--John Lennon

پ.ن.۲: عریضه

1 comment:

Amir said...

That's why this life is ridiculous...