Friday, March 19, 2010

new year resolutions

I always kinda[!] have five-year resolutions in my life, but they never worked out as they supposed to or were forgotten after five years. So I'm gonna try year long resolutions too!

1. Acknowledge the reality.
2. Be less sarcastic.
3. Stop complaining and see what can be done [acknowledging the reality].
4. Be a book reader instead of a book keeper.
5. Get an individual hobby that needs no companion.
6. Spend more time doing sth useful and waste less time fooling around.

PS1: Acknowledging the fact that I consider Nowruz as a sad day has worked well so far. At least it took off the pressure and lowered my expectations.
PS2: How the resolutions should be achieved will be addressed in No. 3.
  PS2.1: There is a loop breaking condition hidden in the resolutions.
PS3: Even governments can't handle five-year resolutions. I don't know what I was thinking!

1 comment:

niyoosha said...

5 ro eshgh ast! baftani :-" :D