Wednesday, March 19, 2008

NYF sucks!

Have you ever heard "I love NY!" from an American?
It's Canadian equivalence is "Toronto sucks!". (Don't believe me? Google it!)

I want to add "NY Fries sucks as well!", so don't be fooled by its size, fancy cups, so on and so forth unless you are really hungry!

But do you really know why size doesn't matter? (Damn you have such a dirty mind!)
It's because what really matters is the difference from left side of the column behind the cup to its right side, although it's not obvious in figure \ref{fig:num1} due to photographer stupidity (hey, it was me)!

It's just like Norooz (Norouz, Noruz, Nowrooz, Nowrouz, Nowruz,...), Christmas, all different new years, and blablabla :D

What I mean is that width of the life also matters and it's not just about its height (read length!) \ref{fig:num2}

Although it's a continuous space from left to the right, we tend to see it as discrete as possible (maybe that's because of involvement[!] in AI and due to the fact that working with discrete environments is easier!)

So don't just focus on special events but also consider it's surroundings ;) (hey, I mean life!)

That's why I want to say:

!هر روزتان نوروز، نوروزتان پیروز

PS1: \ref{} tags are because of confusing Blogspot with LaTeX!

PS2: Although my English is terrible, I wrote in English as talking BS in public in English is easier than in Persian/Farsi! (Don't say I pursue my BS in Iran. I myself used to say it till get this point from someone recently! Call it Bachelor!)

PS3: Have you passed my previous test? I think I should consider more tests or change my style of writing!

PS4: If you ever reached this point by chance, you are either an idiot or my best friend! Yaade ostad bekheir ke maro "divaaneh" khatab mikard!

*** This photo is taken by Ramin in October 1989 and distributed under this license. I was just 4 years old then!

PS5: God bless me, I'm still yours!

ساقیا آمدن عید مبارک بادت / وان مواعید که کردی مرواد از یادت
در شگفتم که در این مدت ایام فراق / برگرفتی ز حریفان دل و دل می‌دادت
برسان بندگی دختر رز گو به درآی / که دم و همت ما کرد ز بند آزادت
شادی مجلسیان در قدم و مقدم توست / جای غم باد مر آن دل که نخواهد شادت
شکر ایزد که ز تاراج خزان رخنه نیافت / بوستان سمن و سرو و گل و شمشادت
چشم بد دور کز آن تفرقه‌ات بازآورد / طالع نامور و دولت مادرزادت
حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح / ور نه طوفان حوادث ببرد بنیادت


Sina said...

آقا این عکس من رو برد به 15 سال پیش ! از کجا گیرش آوردی؟

دمت گرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررم

عیدتم مبارک ساله خیلی خوبی داشته باشی

ApAch said...

تو مگه ۱۵ سال پیش هم با استاد بودی؟ :دی

سال نوت حسابی مبارک!؛

Sina said...

آره دیگه! همینه که موضوع رو برام اینقد جالب کرده :)

ApAch said...

بابا کارت درسته! واقعا هر روزت نوروز!؛

ناخدا said...

هی پسر دهنت صاف. عجب عکسی گذاشتی

ApAch said...

دوستان فقط عکس های پست را نظاره میکنید؟ :دی

Unknown said...

دوست عزیز سلام،

سال نو مبارک.

این عکس را من در سال 1368 گرفتم.

توضیحاتش در زیر عکس آمده است:

دوست شما سینا در این مطلبشون

اصول حق مولف را رعایت کرده اند، شما هم لطفاً این کار را بکنید.

با تشکر،

ApAch said...

چشم، با عرض پوزش!؛

سال خوب و خوشی داشته باشی!؛